Seven books to get to know me:
Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St Exupery
The Triggering Town by Richard Hugo
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K Leguin
Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
Why We Run by Bernd Heinrich
A History of God by Karen Armstrong
Watership Down by Richard Adams
All of those books have been fairly influential upon where I am now in my thoughts and life. I very much feel that Le Petit Prince is an allegory of #neurodivergence in an nt world.
In fact I did a Twitter thread about The Little Prince being an allegory about ADHD and autism to lay out the case of how allegorical the story is. It's also worth noting that if you read up on the life of the author, de St Exupéry, he gives off lots of neurodivergent vibes.
That Twitter thread was written during some very difficult times and stress for me. And needing to remind myself that there is creativity and life and love.