Interaction rules 2023-01-11
- Please @ us before following if we're not acquainted.
- If we write a media description for something you post, you have a blanket permission to modify and use that description yourself for the image, video, audio clip, whatever.
- Likes on negative posts and boosts of boostable posts are fine; we'll delete and redraft if we need to.
- Please ask before reposting our posts. (Linking is fine.)
- Please let us know subjects we should content warn for.
- If you feel safe telling us we made a mistake, we will try our best to learn from it.
- Please content warn when giving us unsolicited advice, suggestions, and/or offers of assistance.
- Terms like "dude", "guy", "bro", and "man" feel gendered to us in a gender we don't want - please don't use them to refer to us.
Just remembered the #CanHelpWith hashtag exists.
Limited spoons and such, of course, but some stuff we Packbats know about and can maybe answer questions or otherwise lend a hand:
- PICO-8, especially music stuff
- Applied math, like trigonometry and calculus
- Music theory and composition more broadly
- Game design, particularly for analogue/tabletop roleplaying games
- Toki Pona, including the sitelen pona writing system
fediverse success metrics: early preview 2023 extended edition
- thought spent in introspection
- skills practiced in social media literacy
= skepticism brought to bear when needed
= energy brought to bear when needed
= harassment recognized and opposed
= bigotry decoded and opposed
- support given to friends who need it
- support given to strangers who need it
- space created for black safety and joy
= for BIPOC safety and joy
= for disabled safety and joy
= for queer safety and joy
- space denied to bigotry and harassment
- resources created, found, shared, and employed
- news made, shared, analyzed, and responded to
- lessons learned and taught
- ideas bandied about
- creations shared and delighted in
- identities tested
- selves found and fostered
- passions found and fostered
- passions allowed to dissipate in peace
- friendships made
- free time spent doing something else
system emoji 2021-02-25
System members:
- 🦊=Packfox
- 🐱=-cat
- 🐲=-dragon
- 🐍=-snek
- 🔥=-demon
- 🐦=-bird
- 🦗=-mantis
- =-yote
- 🐰=-bun
- 🦎=-agia
- 🦇=the Packbats collectively
- 🎒=at least one Packbat, introspection is hard
- 🎶=multiple at front
- 🔀=switching frequently
Other frequent emoji:
- ✨=+ve feeling
- 💧=-ve feeling
- 💢=anger
- 💭=thoughtful/thinking about following emoji
- 💚=our usual heart
- 💛💚💙&c.=our usual hearts (for more emphasis) (colors are good)
And that's everything. We managed to plug everything we've put on in a single (birth)day.
Hope y'all got something out of any y'all tried 💚
- 🎒 ✨
crips for esims for gaza desperately needs funds in light of the escalation of genocide once more !! please help them keep gazans connected to the world !!!
begpost, urgent, please boost
The end of the month is nearly here again and I could really use help covering expenses like power, rent, life-sustaining meds, and medical debt. I haven't been able to pay my student loans and my credit score took a 100 point nose dive because of it.
Additionally, my partner's mother just said that she was going to withdraw her financial support of it, so our finances are in serious jeopardy because both of us are hunting for jobs right now. The CAO is ghosting my most recent SNAP and Medicaid application so for now i still don't have money for food or insurance of any kind and don't know when i will again.
anything helps- thank you so much ;w;
Mutual Aid Request, Computer Repair
Our partners @FurryThrowPillows computer gave out last weekend. Looks to be the power supply, and unfortunately we cannot replace/upgrade the power supply without getting a new case. In the interests of not being in this situation again, we're looking to get a case and power supply we know for sure we can upgrade and replace later easily, but it's going to cost about 165 dollars to do so.
We're gathering the funds for replacement parts on our paypal.
Please mark them as for the PC repair so we know to count them for this and not our usual grocery/utilities mutual aid requests.
Boosts greatly appreciated.
If you get a DM saying "call me the Fediverse chick", it's a spam. Don't click the links, but DO report it!
Reports from users are really important, especially if they are about spam DMs because no one else can see the spam except the user.
You can report posts by clicking ⋯ on the post and selecting "Report". When you report it, make sure to select the option to forward the report to the server it came from so that the admin there can delete the spammer's account.
4 short soundtrack pieces up so far (and I will re-do the vox on "Limerence" as soon as I can) Please feel free to listen and download and add me as a favorite! Thanks everybody!
We know how it is on social media.
Some people easily meet crowdfunding targets without even trying and some people don't even get shares let alone donations.
And we know that privilege plays a massive part in that.
So please share my friend's crowdfunder. She's an amazing person. Let's make her day.
This sort of sensitive "special case" is hardly unique to English. Japan is full of foreigners who learned Japanese from watching shōnen anime and going around unknowingly offending people left and right by speaking like anime characters. Some people, after having that pointed out to them, may lean into it and insist on their "right" to speak that way, but doubling down will just convince people that you truly are an asshole. I'm sure you can think of similar cases from your own native language, where a foreigner might pick up a phrase from some old movie or song lyrics and then use that phrase in inappropriate contexts.
Sometimes non-native speakers of English see certain phrases, such as "Imma be," being used by native speakers, and assume this is just modern English slang, available to anyone. But many of these usages are specifically #AAVE (African American Vernacular English), and if you are not #Black and you use these, you might be criticized for #CulturalAppropriation. The mistake is of course an innocent mistake, but that doesn't mean you aren't accountable at all. When you learn that a particular phrase (such as "Imma be") is AAVE and are called out, apologize, say you didn't know, and stop using it. Don't become defensive and try to argue that it's okay for you to use it because [reasons].
Hi! I'm Alysa, co-founder of @manager with @are0h and I'm an extroverted neuroexpansive auntie, who's afraid of being perceived on screen. But I love community! Join me tomorrow for the first of a twice-weekly digital 3rd space to hang, get shit done via body doubling, talk shit, and just be a human in this age of composting empire. 11am CET join via this link!
It's sort of counterintuitive, but hating yourself a lot can lead to accidentally very selfish and callous behavior. Like, okay, you're not a person who is actively trying to do things for yourself and not care about other people, but to be a consequentialist for a moment the intent doesn't entirely matter.
What I mean is, like, okay if you don't think you have any value or impact on the world it's really easy to not have it occur to you that self-destructive things you do to yourself do in fact hurt other people. People can be harmed by seeing you suffer because that's how caring about people works.
That's sort of an obvious example but it also ends up being the more subtle things: you don't think reaching out to people can make a difference because who the fuck are you, you don't think disappearing is going to affect anyone because who would notice you gone.
I think what it comes down to is that it's really easy to unintentionally harm others if you don't see yourself as an active member of the web of connections that links everyone in the social graph together
mutual aid request for name change paperwork, fully paid now
edit: It's fully paid for now!!!!
Ok so, my original copy of my name change order is water damaged and I can't use it anymore.
I can get a copy of my sealed name change order via mail, but I need a signed and notarized affidavit of identity.
getting the affidavit notarized with ups will be around 15 dollars, and getting overnight shipping with ups will be 75
if y'all have any money to spare, it'd be greatly appreciated!
cashapp: $gracealopex
(currently 90/90 USD)
The family of Qaadir and Naazir Lewis have a go fund me to help the family grieve and cover investigation costs.
#QaadirLewis #NaazirLewis #BlackMastodon #mutualaid #BellMountain
Hey lovelies,
I need a hand: I dont have a ride to and from work and ive gotta head out in less than an hour. Could you spare a buck or two for an Uber?$somarasu
Love you!
Art 365/076: Submarine
When my oldest was a toddler, one of her favourite shirts was a yellow one with a submarine on it. She loved it so much and was heartbroken when she out grew it. So I got some fabric scraps and recreated it on a larger yellow shirt.
Here is a watercolour rendering of that submarine but with chickens in it.
xey/xem/xyr, ze/zir, she, themselves. w.e mod. creative alt @Packbat
Unemployed traumatized millennial, light-skinned Black endogenic plural system, USian anarchist. Posts signed with emoji for author + status/mood. We try to be thoughtful & kind.
Not everything we post/boost is appropriate for minors; read the CWs.
And if we aren't already acquainted, please @ us with any follow request.
usericon: A copper dragon with dreadlocks playing a small MIDI keyboard.