hi everyone! guess what! my short story collection is here!!!! aaaa so exciting
it's called "born to suffer needlessly." it has 6 litfic-y short stories in it. 2 of them are brand new (as in not previously published on my website).
even those that are previously published can now be read in a Nice PDF or EPUB Format. i also did little hand-drawn titles for every story.
please support a queer autistic writer!
(i also have community copies available if you need them!)
it's been like four years. i should update my #introductions
i am xyzzy (pronounced zizz-ee)
i am genderqueer
i live in a city in the US 🏙️
ACAB, nazis eat shit
i write all the time 📝
i've got some brainweirds
i love music, cats, making weird things, animal crossing, language, and Aesthetics
hey do you want to read some short stories?
bc i have several up for free on my website
i’m gonna put some summaries in a thread after this, to help you pick one to read maybe
You deserve a good life.
Society may have treated you poorly, but that doesn't mean you've earned it.
You are valued and needed by us all.
#NonBinaryPositivity #GenderQueerPositivity #TransPositivity #NonBinary #trans #GenderQueer
After setting the clock, it's time to put in today's tape: A charmingly amateur production for all the train sickos called "M.B.T.A. Fitchburg Line Cab Ride".
i feel like most of you probably know this, but “xyzzy” is a magic word in the text adventure colossal cave adventures. it’s since sometimes been used as a test command or a cheat code. i’m not sure why i got really attached to it as a name but i did. i pronounce it as “zizzy” but there’s no canon pronunciation
hey look. it's a book 📖 👈 i wrote it. it has short stories in it. some of them are gay?? maybe you will like them
buy art if you’re able. it is essential. art is one of those things worth having and supporting as an incredible human endeavor. and paying an artist directly is a completely different act than purchasing a product. buying art from a living artist is like inviting them to your dinner table and feeding them in exchange for a small token of beauty
Every now and then I remember that about 75% of the issues large businesses, especially retail, face can be solved by: Hiring more employees.
High shrink? Hire more employees.
Low sales? Hire more employees.
Low customer satisfaction scores? Hire more employees.
Unworked product? Hire more employees.
Unfortunately companies wanna brag about low labor overhead, and have also decided it's a sin if there's even a -chance- that an employee might be idle for a few seconds.
(please sign if you haven't already 💪 #InternationalWomensDay)
The “My Voice, My Choice” campaign offers the people of Europe the chance to make women's lives freer, safer, and better; wherever they live in our union, whatever conditions they may find themselves in.
The lack of access to abortion in many parts of Europe not only puts women at risk of physical harm but also puts undue economic and mental stress on women and families, often on the margins of society that can afford it the least.
It has been well documented that treating reproductive care as a luxury does not reduce abortions, it simply drives women to seek unsafe abortions.
To change this we are asking the European Commission to - in the spirit of solidarity - submit a proposal for financial support to Member States that would be able to perform safe termination of pregnancies for anyone in Europe who still lacks access to safe and legal abortion.
Countless lives and livelihoods are ended, disrupted, and lost because of lack of access to safe abortion. This must stop. With this European Citizens' Initiative, we will move to a more just policy that expresses our European values more compassionately and concretely.
Given it’s international women’s day, I’d like to encourage you all, but especially Dutch men to read these ‘anti-acknowledgments’ in a PhD thesis. This is not from somewhere else, it’s from Delft. And it’s not from the 1950s, but from the present. Unfortunately what academic life and culture in The Netherlands is still like. The author is just one of the few who actually spoke up about it, but there are many stories like it.
(Alt at https://pastebin.com/cqLvxX1f)
PSA for Fedi Friends
Hi all! Hazel here to let you know that fedi is currently under attack from multiple spam waves originating from many different instances and promoting various types of scams. Please be wary of anyone doing any of these things:
- @-mentioning you in a request for money
- Sending you unsolicited DMs
- Promoting shady services (such as hacking-for-hire)
- Sharing invitations to off-site chatrooms
- Linking to shady job board / employment websites
- Offering unsolicited reviews of commercial products
- Asking to be friends without ever meeting before
-Advertising sex work (especially OnlyFans) from a brand-new account
- Anything else that seems "off" in any way
Please don't hesitate to use the "Report" button! These reports go directly to me and the rest of our staff, and we will review them as soon as possible. If you're ever in doubt about something, then go ahead and report it anyway! We'll take a look and take any necessary action.
Please stay safe out there, and remember not to share personal info or click any unknown links!
-- Hazel
It's #bandcampFriday and I actually have something to promote, my modular ambient album, "mending" which i released last month. Three tracks, three different synth patches.
"Consuming art, which is inherently personal, as if it is a medicine you must choke down is a huge reason why people feel disconnected from art. And that sucks, because I think spending time with art is a fundamental part of being a person."
Influencers talking about going to the gym: (negative body talk parody, fatphobia)
Got to go work out, got to get ready for the summer, look how skinny I am! I'm going to be sooooo skinny and it's going to be sooooo good. Over the weekend I ate a sandwich and I was so bad!!! but now I'm going to be so good and so skinny instead of fat and nasty, omg my body looks so bloated but don't worry it's going to be gone soon! I'm so sorry I ate some food and was wrong but I'm going to be so correct and work so hard so I can be so good. Wow, look at my progress, I was so fat and now I'm so much skinnier. I'm so much better now. I just have to keep it up so I can keep being good and not bad. Oh, a piece of pizza???? OMG that's sooooo bad now I have to really burn. I've got to burn it all up all the calories all the fat all the flab it all has to go so I can be good and not bad. I am a hard worker and I deserve goodness! I'm not lazy (omg I'm sooooo lazy and fat but not now 😊) now I'm better and thank goodness. I was almost bad. PHEW. And now SALAD
Okay, we have spent way too much time looking at US Social Security Administration baby name data *not* to do this - welcome to the:
✨ Top US American Androgynous Names Bracket 2023 ✨
- 24 names regularly assigned to babies of both US-government-approved baby genders, selected by yours truly!
- A qualifier round of 6 four-name polls, with top two in each poll plus four wildcards advancing!
- Four rounds of single elimination among the 16 qualifiers!
- Science! Wait, no, we don't have that, sorry.
- A hashtag! Crap we need a hashtag - uhhh #NameBracket2023 !
We'll kick things off with a 3-day poll, and then starting on Monday we'll do 1-day polls every day until we're done!
(edit: specifying region - other regions would have different top androgynous names)
giant fish announcing the return of the fish doorbell: https://visdeurbel.nl/en
📍 Utrecht Centraal, Netherlands
xyzzy / white, queer
artsy weirdo, writer, friendly netpresence
i post a lot of stuff followers-only so you are signing up for a lot more posts than you can see if you try to follow me. feel free to follow request me btw, i don’t mind. if i accept i will probably also try to follow you back, just fyi.
i've been good and i've been bad but common sense i've never had