If you are Autistic, living in one of the following US states, and you go to a doctor, you are liable to be put on a state register and may be involved in medical research without your consent
• Delaware
• Indiana
• New Hampshire
• New Jersey
• North Dakota
• Rhode Island
• Utah
• West Virginia
Petition the American Civil Liberties Union to challenge the laws that require Autistic people to be registered: https://www.change.org/p/tell-the-aclu-to-fight-mandatory-autism-databases
Thanks to @yourautisticlife for drawing my attention to this
#ActuallyAutistic #AllAutistics #petition https://mast.yourautisticlife.com/@yourautisticlife/110984149497536138
US state registries of Autistics
(CW: severely pathologising language)
Delaware: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/chca/dphnsp7.html
New Hampshire: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/disability-care/developmental-services/autism-spectrum-registry
New Jersey: https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/autism/public/registry/
North Dakota: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/autism-spectrum-disorder-asd-database
Rhode Island: [health.ri.gov site down currently]
Utah: https://health.utah.gov/cshcn/programs/autism.html
West Virginia: https://www.marshall.edu/atc/wvasd-registry/
That ACLU petition again!!
Still having trouble with Rhode Island’s website, but this Spectrum article from 2011 explains what RI intended to do with its registry: https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/rhode-island-plans-statewide-registry-for-autism-research/
They wanted to register every Autistic person in the state – ‘an estimated 2,500 children from 1st grade through high school, as well as preschoolers in early intervention programs and adults with autism [sic]’
Despite mentioning adults here, there’s only one other mention in the article, when one of there researchers refers to ‘the support and services her kid needs’, the kid being, in the article’s words, her ‘adult son with autism [sic]’
They also intended to use ADOS, a very child-oriented diagnostic tool – it’s the one that uses the picture book ‘Tuesday’
‘Less than half a million dollars would enable the group to build a registry database and hire a three-person team to begin recruiting participants’, Daniel Dickstein of Brown University is reported as having said