I realized today that I actually put in two separate orders for seeds at this one seed growing place that had ozette potatoes. Which is to say I ordered two sets of ozettes (that have not yet been delivered), two sets of black runner beans (okay, I'm really not sad about that TBH), and a couple other things.
And I think I ordered 3 different kinds of tomatoes. Why did I do that?? I don't like tomatoes! Okay, I kinda like about two different kinds of tomatoes, and these may or may not qualify. Plus I still have seeds from last year from the tomatoes I liked.
Dear gawd, why??
Oh and I went to a plant nursery today and they had...yup, ozette potatoes. So I picked up a couple more.
I've been looking for these damned potatoes for ten years, y'all. I WILL grow them this year, come hell or high water. Please don't actually bring hell or high water though, k?
@Cetraria one potato two potatoes three potatoes four
(sorry I couldn't help)
Wishing you good growing luck for all your veggies
@marsiposa That's very much how this feels! One potato, two potato, three potato, four. Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more!
It's a small, fingerling type potato... Which means, the plus size of overdoing it is that even if I get maximum yield, this increases the likelihood that I'll actually have enough this first year to be able to eat some without worrying I'll have enough to keep for seed next year! I feel like the first year I add a new type, I seldom get enough to eat until year two.