Mis-Dx Providers and #stigmatude 2of2
@OutOfExile_IDR @OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me
And I yours too.
@Spatz @OutOfExile_IDR@disabled.social
I'm looking forward to hearing more of your expertise in the future. I'd like to hear others experiences on this, as well.
During initial consults with new providers I often told the same joke. It was humor and a sort of experiment.
"Doctors and I don't always agree. The doctors always want to be the smartest person in the room when, everyone knows that's me."
The providers that laughed were always great providers. The others displayed frustration, arrogance and were not good providers.
Of course I don't believe my joke. Just ask many doctors in my wake.
I'm not very bright.
The graphic below - courtesy of Stephanie Otroleva
Kind of sums it up for many.
@OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me @OutOfExile_IDR
Thar seems about right. And it is why patients are the expert in their condition.