You can call me Mal. I'm a #GenX / #Millennial cusp, a #LateBloomer #lesbian and have recently discovered my #LateDiagnosedAutism. I also have #adhd, #CPTSD, and a handful of other #MentalHealth issues and I'm currently still trying to recover from burnout due to Covid and learn how to function in the real world again. Learning how to accommodate myself has been a life changing experience. My long distance girlfriend is also autistic and it has been so beneficial to have someone who truly understands as a support person. Other things of note are that I'm a #leftist #feminist and believe in #IntersectionalFeminism, always work to be actively #AntiRacist, and believe mutual aid and building community is the best and only way for us all to survive late stage capitalism.
My #SpecialInterests include talking about and researching topics like #psychology, #trauma, anti-capitalism, and the communication differences between #autistics and #allistics.
For fun I like to play #WorldOfWarcraft and read the lore books. I've been playing since Cataclysm came out and my favorite characters are #AnduinWrynn, #VarokSaurfang, #Illidan, and #KaelthasSunstrider. My favorite class to play is a Demon Hunter and my favorite expansion was Legion. I also love the #DragonAge games, specifically the second one, the show #GameOfThrones, and frequently lose large chunks of time playing #thesims4. I am also currently hyperfixating on Taylor Swift's new album even though I have never liked her music before
I live in a very rural, very conservative area so I'm really hoping to find other people like me, specifically other #lesbians, who I can connect with. So if any of this resonates with you, let's be mutuals