This is the first time that Zip (nearly 7) has actually understood the concept of “the Easter bunny” (et al.) in a way that is exciting to him. Last year was the first time he understood in advance that “Christmas Day” was a thing and there would be presents and linked that to the “Santa” character. Even then, he was distressed by the idea of a strange person coming into the house and I told him I would give him the presents and nobody would come into the house during the night.
This year he was excited to tell me that the Easter bunny would hide a chocolate egg for him and more excited to find it in the morning.
I don’t know how to feel about it and whether he thinks the bunny is real or not? This is the age I assume kids are starting to clue in the it is a game of pretend rather than just beginning to believe…
It was always a relief to me to be off the hook from the get go about these things because it just feels so uncomfortable to me to lie about them… it was way better for me when he simply didn’t understand it and would just be surprised to find presents or chocolate for no apparent reason.