#CurrentlyListeningTo "The Real Thing" by Faith No More.
Both "The Real Thing" and "Angel Dust" are favorites of mine for different reasons.
"The Real Thing" in particular is probably my favorite album for use of keyboard in post New Wave rock. Roddy Bottum is definitely one of my favorite keyboard players in rock (and him being queer just makes him even cooler).
One weird thing about listening to "The Real Thing" by Faith No More on cassette is the track order is slightly different compared to the CD.
The original vinyl release has 9 tracks. "Edge of the World" and the Black Sabbath cover "War Pigs" are bonus tracks on the CD and cassette. The CD has "War Pigs" as track 10 and "edge of the world" after that at track 11.
But the cassette has "Edge of the World" as track 6 at the end of side one. And "War Pigs" is at the end of the album ending side two at track 11.
"Edge of the World" still kinda works well at the end of side one for the same reason it works well ending the album on CD. And it does make more sense to have the bonus track that's the cover ("War Pigs") at the end of side two instead of the middle of the album.