@wakame @Jobob @Tooden @alstonvicar @zyd @miss__Tery @dorgaldir @actuallyautistic
well of course the teacher should be grateful, having an expert point out a mistake or bringing them up to date. You don’t want a whole class to learn something wrong, do you?
And you see - that’s my own little private NT test. They always laugh about things that aren’t funny.
@nellie_m @wakame @Jobob @Tooden @alstonvicar @zyd@emacs.ch @miss__Tery @dorgaldir @actuallyautistic
They seriously are certain that the world runs on authority.
They seriously don't think it is possible to run say, a grocery store, voluntarily. They think humans could not run say, a doctor's office cooperatively, for some neurological reason.
@nellie_m @wakame @Jobob @Tooden @alstonvicar @zyd@emacs.ch @miss__Tery @dorgaldir @actuallyautistic
my grade seven teacher would pause, searching for a word, and I would give it to him, or tell him what some kid missed when I could see the problem, and he seemed to like it, I felt like an assistant. Nice dude.
@nellie_m @wakame @Jobob @Tooden @alstonvicar @zyd@emacs.ch @miss__Tery @dorgaldir @actuallyautistic
my glory days
I loved that role, backup, fill in, completionist, correcter
Look, it's . . . Asterisk Man